MEga Education Approach: a Pre-K through 8th Total Solution.

Why Homeschool?

“A public-school system, if it means the providing of free education for those who desire it, is a noteworthy and beneficent achievement of modern times; but when once it becomes monopolistic it is the most perfect instrument for tyranny which has yet been devised. Freedom of thought in the middle ages was combated by the Inquisition, but the modern method is far more effective.’ J.G. Machen

Our federal schooling system is falling to pieces, and, by Bill Gates’ admission (a founder of Common Core), has been a failure. The curriculum is riddled with redundancy and poor process. The approach is no longer geared towards the student, but towards expediency.

Covid and the liberal agenda has really changed the playing field, advancing its demise. The governments refuse to give up control, and is advancing more radical nonsense that is not educational at all, even divisively deceptive. Public school classroom learning as is has become largely obsolete, and certainly dysfunctional. This excludes other major demotivators like a lack of competition, spending long hours on a school bus, and a lack of meaning behind it all.

Now is the time you should seriously consider giving your child the best education possible. The MEganize curriculum is a total revision in approach towards best practice, based on proven principles. The MEga’ Series will guide you through the whole process using this unique, all inclusive approach. It has been based on thorough research on masters in their fields across many disciplines, and is presented as a total solution from one source using one of the best Learning Management Systems (LMS). This is a giant step in productivity and performance.

There is a high risk of going it alone, or following a similar approach.

Most parents who set out to home-school do not have an agenda to follow. You do not have time to research the ‘best practices’ and will merely follow a similar, familiar, route to public schools. The public school curriculum and approach are a huge part of the problem. Why duplicate this at home!? You only have one shot at this. These are the risks you need to consider in undertaking this critically important task:

  • Failing to Plan, thus planning to fail. You are setting out on an important journey without a road map in mind. What are your goals for your child? What are they based on? How do you get there?
  • High Cost. While you may think that your approach will be low cost, you may fail to consider the time you will spend in research, investing in educational tools, and then still trying to teach your child. There are a myriad of text book and courses, and few of them are inexpensive, especially if they don’t work out.
  • Poor Process. You risk limiting your approach to your unprofessional understanding, and following a 150+ years of bureaucratic thinking, and hoping that will be enough for your child. What is the real risk in following this failed approach? This is a huge assumption bordering on the Kruger-Dunning effect.
  • Low Probability. The general educational approach has not changed for over 150 years. While our overall performance results (PISA) tell us clearly that we (the USA) have followed the wrong path, (as one of the lowest performing industrial countries), we continue to do the same thing and expect different results. What would Einstein say?! The risk of following this path is high!

The Benefits of the MEga’ approach

However, it is not easy to take a homeschooling handbook and convert that into reality, or try to do it ad hoc. There are so many other variables to consider, plus trying to follow a volume of instructions becomes impossible to manage. The benefits of the MEga’ Series, using a ‘LMS’, is that all of the following are built-in for you to follow from ONE resource:

  • Progressive goals and guidelines with specific references, best learning tools and quizzes are at your finger tips. These have all been prepared for you.
  • The approach is the result of 15+ years of research into best options, best practices and best tools, all by a Dad with an MBA, driven to give his children the best education. This approach integrates principles and process, all confirmed by leading psychologists, neuro-scientists, cognitive scientists, business leaders, independent educators and other masters in their field.
  • The main goals of the approach are primarily brain development, focusing on core skills across 8 main functions, building both fluid and crystallized intelligence, as well as providing a balanced approach to meet the child’s Psyche needs.
  • Real Output. The outcome of the Windows of Opportunity Course is that your child will complete his/her Primary Education by around 9, with a minimal workload. This follows with a Skills Mastery focus, while doing core classical subjects, so that your child could earn some High School Credits before Grade 9! This has a huge impact on his/her probability of success.
  • Low Risk. Your risk is LOW in every aspect as the curriculum is easy to follow, has been tested and completed with much success, and you have a simple ‘best practices’ methodology to follow as a parent/teacher. Minimal ‘teaching’ is required!
  • The stresses and demands on your child are minimal. All of the subjects are meaningful, and mostly engaging. Projects result in ‘in the flow’ learning, building the understanding of complexity, memory and concentration. Much of the activity is offline, with text book learning, reading and writing.

Goals and Objectives

The goal of the MEga’ approach is to develop your child’s capability and skills when he/she is most ready. ‘Stretch goals’ are a key part of this philosophy, as is (paradoxically) routine practice of specific functions. ‘Purposeful practice’ is essential to develop neural pathways early on in key functional areas. The principles behind this skills development are Hebb’s Rule and Ericcson’s 10 Year Rule of Mastery. These focus areas include Values, Logic/Math, Memory, Languages, Coordination, Creativity and Music. All have been shown to elevate IQ and/or EQ. 

The objective is always NOT to overwork your child, but to allow him/her to define goals and conquer them in their own, structured time. Learning must be intuitive, challenging and fun (mostly). Provided the motivation and structure is well founded, this works brilliantly without the stress of long hours and too much to learn. The desired output? A ‘growth’ mindset!

Christian Approach

If you are looking to educate your child, offering Christian values, core knowledge and real skills for life, then this is where you should start. “Know what you know” (Confucius), “Focus on the important” (S. Covey) and ”Do not be deceived” (Jesus Christ) are underlying directives. Read II Peter 1:5-10 for a concise outline that I have worked towards. It takes a long time to learn something consciously, and even longer to know it well. There is a specific learning process that is never taught! Process is important. How many kids finish school with NO real skills or wisdom to offer?

Allowing your children some freedom in subject learning is important, subject to the confines of your structure. Core subjects are essential, but there are many other options to develop capability and skills. The focus is on the student achieving the desired output, while ensuring balance.

This curriculum can be accomplished in only 4 to 5 (only 1-2 hours in the early years) hours a day of consistent work, excluding sport, games and reading. Your child should have about 10 years before high school to build competence and mastery in a few real skills. A child needs to work on concentration and learn diligence. This is why learning must be fun. Getting ‘into the flow’ will leverage learning and productivity. It’s important to follow a proper teaching progression with an emphasis on coaching, rather than teaching. This builds a Christian culture of discernment, ownership and excellence. Help your child become a master!


The MEga’ Education approach on this has proven itself with my older son, who entered high school with a number of high school credits under his belt at 13, now ready for Grade 9 at a private boarding school. (Update 1: the youngest in his class. he won best student award for Grade 9 with a 97% average, a 4.6 weighted ave. GPA. Update 2: he is now going into his senior year with even better results. Update 3: in his senior year, he has a weighted ave. GPA of 5.31!) My younger son, also the youngest in his form, is well on his way along the same path in Grade 8. (Update 1: his current GPA is 4.3).

All that is required is diligence, process, and a focus on the right things. There is NO busy work here. Routine and continuous improvement are a big part of it. There is also a minimal amount of ‘teacher’ participation as your student progresses, so your time will not be totally absorbed by planning, teaching and managing his school work. Leadership and coaching are the key concepts to master as both teacher and parent. Homeschooling is not difficult if you have a clear path to follow. With the right structure, your student will become self directing as he/she progresses naturally. This is true empowerment, and meets their core needs!

My credentials and the MEganize essentials have been spelled out on this website and the general approach in my book MEganize – Empower your Child with an Education for Life. This should give you a good background for the overall scope, without you having to read a number of books or spend months, even years, in research. My work is built around best principles and concepts drawn from some of our ‘best in class’ minds. I have researched the best approach, and learning options, and evaluated many, for my children, testing some of them over the years. By using the MEga’ courses, you now have the opportunity to share in the fruits of all my research, experience, study tools and notes, and most importantly, what and how to study. Many costly pitfalls have been eliminated for you.

MEga’ Curriculum Guides for Parents

The MEga’ Education Series is split into four courses: Windows of Opportunity, for ages 3-9, Skills Mastery from 9-13, and the Wisdom Series 1 and 2 from 14+. This ‘best practices’ approach to homeschooling, includes listing essential text books, references and providing online learning materials, tools and quizzes. There is also a parent’s section. All these are included in this ‘total solution’ to make your home-school teaching life simple, but optimal. Everything is set up for you using Canvas, a new medium for learning used by leading schools and universities.

Don’t follow the rest, take the narrow road. Enrollment is easy, and you can review the contents before deciding!

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