MEga Pre-School Program

False Assumptions

Many of the assumptions that we hold dear, mainly accepted from our past practices, need to be revisited. Challenging these mindsets is essential as our educational structures and approaches are based on them. A number of critical assumptions have been proven to be false, but because our federal educational ‘control’ structure is rigid and unquestioned, we do not think to revise them accordingly. These all relate to the structure within which our children learn. This structure accounts for around 80% of their performance, so it is essential that we get these systemic issues (1st Quadrant) right. Some of these assumptions/myths are:

  • That our IQ is fixed. This belief, still strongly held in our class-room system, has led to the ‘fixed’ or talent mindset that Laszlo Polgar, Dr Carol Dweck, Anders Erickson, Malcolm Gladwell and others have proved not only wrong but detrimental to performance. “Intelligence is related to dynamic properties of cortical maturation” (IQ and Human Intelligence – N J McIntosh)
  • That ‘school’ is about conceptual learning, and that small children cannot truly ‘learn’ much at all, and so are given frivolous tasks. Core skills however do not require conceptual understanding and so children can learn a number of skills very early. These include music, languages, logic, foundational facts, values, and good learning habits.
  • That a child’s mind is not capable of learning ‘too much’. A child’s brain is almost fully developed at three, and has double the amount of myelin than an adult. It is supercharged with learning capability. Thus early years are in fact the best time to develop brain power by stretching and practicing their skills in key areas. These early ‘windows of opportunity’, based on Hebb’s rule and common cognitive and neurosciences, are when the brain’s processing capability is largely defined (IQ) and when a number of core skills can be learned.

1st Quadrant

MEganize offers a broad structure for child education, however, this pre-school outline is a specific directive based on MEganize principles and process that ignore our past paradigms. Most important is the focus on the 1st Quadrant issues, namely a clear vision and set of values that are supported by the structure and culture of what and how learning progresses. The essence is ‘to begin with the end in sight’, offering basic concepts and routines that the child can discover, validate and later apply throughout and for a productive life.

As Christians, we believe that our faith and culture offers the best path for learning and social productivity. History has shown it to be the best culture. This is clearly explained in the Bible: “…. having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust… be wise in what is good and innocent of what is evil” (Romans 16). Our directive for learning, also from II Peter 1 is “… giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance Godliness…” These are covered in the 3,4,5 Life Maxims in MEganize.

Some of the MEganize principles are ‘less is more’, ‘know what you know’, and ‘focus on the process’. Our world faces information overload. Do not flood them with mindless stuff. We try to learn too much (crystalized intelligence) but then suffer from knowledge myopia, unable to apply or interpret knowledge productively (no convergence). It is important to allow for routine practice of learnt skills or activities in all areas. Follow this best process to allow for convergence skills, offering fluid intelligence and a means for overcoming knowledge myopia, thus building the skill of discernment.

Routine practice is critical in building strong myelinated neural pathways across the brain function areas to ensure a broad development of mental capability. Also allow for project time to ensure depth of understanding, following the learning progression. This building of extrinsic skills, converted to intrinsic memory and capability, is the goal behind the MEganize approach.

‘Growth mindset’

Be conscious about creating a structure of positive habits and attitudes. Although this is a general focus, specifically ensure that you apply the ‘growth’ mindset that emphasizes work done and output. Make sure that recognition is limited to work done, and avoid overindulgence in praise of talent. This has been proven to be a highly leveraged area (Dweck’s Mindset). Never limit your child’s capabilities in his/her mind. Stretch, encourage, and facilitate in a balanced mix between routine and new projects. This is the new ‘coaching’ paradigm that empowers a child to perform. Read MEganize and other MEgablogs for more insights into this.

Windows of Opportunity

This Early Start approach is split into specific functional areas. Starting at 3-4 years old, the program leads straight into elementary activities. The MEga Window of Opportunity Course is available now. This is an all inclusive parent’s guide and curriculum (3 to 9) to complete a brilliant Pre-K through Primary education.

Parental involvement is paramount in your child’s education. Clear values, structure and culture should be reached as far as possible to minimize confusion in a child’s mind. These are simply defined for you.

MEga courses offers an integrated approach to revitalize our education using best principles and practice. Extensive research into multi-disciplinary scientific programs corroborated by hard evidence have been incorporated into this optimal structure for learning. This is probably the best educational approach for the challenges of the 21st Century.

Do not blindly follow our Fed Ed’s archaic and devious examples. This is NOT best practice, and has produced the worst results over decades.

Sign up now, or email me at for details.

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