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Over the last 15 years I have used my MEganize approach in homeschooling my 3 children, now 5, 9 and 13, developed around ‘best’ process and principles. The concepts behind this are explained in my MEgablogs and more fully in MEganize – Empower your child with an education for life! But talk is cheap, and opinions are … well, common. Over the last two years my youngest son has attended pre-school. I was very frustrated with the level of their learning programs and how long they continued to learn the basic alphabet, one letter a day for 2 years! I

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MEga Pre-School Program

False Assumptions Many of the assumptions that we hold dear, mainly accepted from our past practices, need to be revisited. Challenging these mindsets is essential as our educational structures and approaches are based on them. A number of critical assumptions have been proven to be false, but because our federal educational ‘control’ structure is rigid and unquestioned, we do not think to revise them accordingly. These all relate to the structure within which our children learn. This structure accounts for around 80% of their performance, so it is essential that we get these systemic issues (1st Quadrant) right. Some of

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The Importance of Feedback

This letter is for those parents who are concerned with their child’s learning productivity or who have a child who doesn’t seem to care about obedience. It offers context from the principles in MEganize – Empower your child with an education for life. Despite my writings about challenging our assumptions and revisiting our paradigms, I have found that this is more easily said than done. I have two examples that I would like to share with you. In both cases I went against my own advice, failed to follow my own manual, and in both cases went down the wrong

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The Missing Link

“American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists. American people are underwriting the destruction of their own freedom and way of life by lavishly financing through federal grants the very social scientists who are undermining our national sovereignty and preparing our children to become the dumbed-down vassals of the new world order. One of the interesting insights revealed by these documents is how the social engineers use a deliberately created education “crisis” to move

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Many of us are concerned about our children growing up with the now common ‘entitlement’ complex. Most of us are concerned that our children are not engaged in learning. How do we avoid these two paralyzing situations? Dr. Carol Dweck(1) has researched this subject and has found brilliant insights into the leverage areas that mark performance or failure. In her book, Mindset, she shows how children can be empowered or diminished by simply placing ‘fixed’ or ‘growth’ mindset thoughts in their minds prior to the study. These findings have since been used and proven in real school situations, turning poor

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Moving to Ugly: Common Core Education Facts

The origins and purpose of the Common Core State Standard (CCSS) was set in the 1980’s when American students were performing below par, and there was inconsistency in testing standards. The goal was to raise overall performance and create a base for consistent measuring. This was the reasonable basis to resolve this ‘crisis’ on which most of the states accepted the CCSS. Since then, it has become obvious that the goal was indoctrination. So what has gone wrong? In one word, Control. We/they have made some critical errors. It appears that politics got involved, with a select few applying ideologies

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